Day Job

All my plans were working out. My villainous empire was growing with every passing day. Henchmen were begging to join my crew. I had so many options, we had to stop hiring in Q4. Hell, we grew so big, we had to use terms like Q4 and product viability. Everything was smooth sailing, but I asked myself why. Why was this so easy? I found out the answer was a simple one. My nemesis had a day job.

Now the city is a big one with plenty of other superheroes and villains like me. Out of all the heroes who could stop my plans, only one bothered. Dark Porter. It was a manageable problem, but I felt like he was ramping up to something bigger, so I sent some of my henchman to find out who he really was. When they got back to me, I couldn't believe it. He worked as a grocer. I was being foiled by a minimum wage employee. 

Unfortunately, it wasn't the worst part of their report. Dark Porter was indeed ramping up for a big attack. Inside his apartment, my team found a map of all my sites and an elaborate plan to take me down. The only problem was his day job prevented him from enacting it. 

It gave me some relief until they also mentioned another wrinkle. Dark Porter's boss was a staunch anti-hero establishment (a man after my own heart) and Dark Porter had a thing for talking to customers about his heroic escapades. It was only a matter of time before his secret identity was revealed. Which would get him fired and have more time to commit to taking down all I worked for. It was unacceptable, so I had to do the unthinkable. Save his job.

I would send a few henchmen a week to watch him and ensure his identity stayed a secret. It worked well for a few months until a few of my guys called in sick. It fell on a busy day, leaving no one to cover it…but me. 

Logistics were going to be the most difficult part, since I assigned five guys throughout the day. It meant at least five different disguises for me, all of which needed to be extreme enough that he wouldn't recognize my dashing good looks. Luckily, I had a car full of wigs, fake mustaches, and wacky clothes. 

I strolled into the store around nine and was greeted by aisles filled with food. It was your standard grocery affair: cereal, snacks, canned chicken, disgusting vegetables, and frozen delights. My job was supposed to be a simple one, keep his identity a secret. It turned out to be, help him do his job. 

When I spotted my nemesis, he was balancing a stack of boxed steaks taller than him. His erratic movement was begging for him to crash into the display of stacked sodas. I could see the image of him slamming into them and cans flying everywhere, coating the floor in sticky sugar. It would be quite the mess…maybe one worth getting fired over. I couldn't take that chance, so I had to become the unspeakable. His hero. 

I sprung into action, catching the falling stack before my day dream became reality and ruined my life. Dark Porter stared back at me, surprised by my quick speed and dexterity. Although, at the time, I thought he saw through my disguise.

"Careful, you don't want to drop these," I said and held my hand on the rest of his stack to stop more from sliding off.

"Thank you, sir."

"Don't mention it. Where are we going with these?"

"Over here," he said, walking to the ground freezers. 

I helped him put them away and he shook my hand. His smile was genuine, yet his posture was slouched. He seemed almost defeated. Pathetic. A far cry from the hero who ransacked my warehouse last weekend. It was such a far cry, I couldn't believe he was my nemesis. 

"Thanks again, mister…"

"Donald. Donald Hanagain," I lied. Donald Hanagain was the name I always used in public, even if I was with family. And I certainly couldn't go around telling people my villain name.

"Derrick Porter," he said and shook my hand again. 

The longer I shook his hand, the more I realized my fake mustache was losing its grip on me. I left him without another word and walked as quickly as I could down the nearest aisle. The black caterpillar on my lips fell into my hands as a fellow customer walked by. She gave me the most judgemental look I have ever seen. I hate judgemental looks.

"Give me a break, not everyone can grow a stache as good as you lady."

She instinctively touched her face, and I chuckled to myself as I walked by. Nothing quite made my day like making people feel insecure. It was a hobby, which I didn't get to practice much. My henchmen were a good group, so I never did it to them. But everyone else was fair game. 

Anyways, as the day went on, I had to go in and out of the store, shopping as vastly different people each time. I bought way too much food, but I needed to be there to watch over Derrick. He was a bigger klutz than I thought. First, I saved his apple stack from cascading all over, then again in the frozen food section when he almost knocked out an old lady with a ladder. It hurt like a bitch, but a small sacrifice so he didn't destroy the old lady. Bosses love to fire people who hurt the elderly, no matter the circumstance. 

After that, I stopped his ladder from falling when he was changing the fall decorations. As much as an injury would have helped me, a little kid was playing nearby. Her mom, Ashley, was flirting with some guy in aisle three, leaving the little one too oblivious to understand the danger of playing near ladders. Or that if you shake the ladder, people can fall. 

After I gave her a tongue lashing and her mom my number, I had to bail Derrick out again. I put up the slipping hazard sign near the section of floor he mopped before someone could fall. Such an easy thing to do and he forgot. The longer I was there, the more I felt like his mother, cleaning up after his messes. Once it got close to close, I relaxed, thinking he couldn't possibly get fired at the end of the shift. I was wrong.

While I was pretending to shop for the seventh box of fruity pebbles on the day, Derrick's boss stormed up to him. His eyes were serious and his bald head reflected the fluorescent light above like a lighthouse. It was seriously hard to look at when he moved his head at the right angle. 

"Derrick, I need to talk to you," his boss said, tone teetering on anger. 

Derrick looked up from changing one of the price signs on the strawberries. "Yes, Mr. Bonoch?"

"Do you want to tell me why several of our patrons have been cleaning up after you?"

"I don't know what you mean?"

Mr. Bonoch poked him in the chest. "Don't play dumb with me. I watch the cameras."

"I–I'm not."

"You are either lying to me or you are the most incompetent employee I have ever had. Take your pick."

Derrick stood there with his eyes darting back and forth across his boss's face, unable to find the words. I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

"You know what…" Mr. Bonoch sighed, in an attempt to calm down. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and said what I was trying to avoid. "You're fired."

"No! Sir, please," he got on his knees and begged. It was embarrassing to watch. "I'll do better."

"I don't think you can. Clock out and go home. You can pick up your check on Friday."

Mr. Bonoch walked away, leaving Derrick all alone on the clean floor. My mission had failed and it was the beginning of the end of my empire. As I'm recording this right now, my last warehouse is being raided by the police. I guess he wanted the commoners to have a victory every once and a while…wait…I think I know how to turn around my problems.

What if I…kidnap his former boss and put him in Derrick 's apartment. Give the police a hot tip and BAM! Nemesis gone. I like that. Oh, I better delete this recording. Where is the delete button again? There it is. Deleted. All done. Out of sight, out of mind. I better call Ashley. This will be a fun date night.



A Henchman Screwed Up


A Date With A Nemesis